Saturday, July 3, 2010


We all love cartoons ,though you might not watch them now because you don’t get enough time out of your busy schedule or you might think that cartoons are only meant for children under the age of thirteen ,but I still watch cartoons and really like them .I don’t have any obsession for cartoons now as I used to have some ten years ago but I still enjoy my favourite cartoons with the same charm .Everyday some new cartoon character is introduced but I like my old cartoon characters like Scooby Doo , Mickey Mouse ,Spider Man ,etc,.
Today ,there are so many channels like Cartoon Network, Disney Channel , Nick ,etc, . broadcasting cartoons 24 hours but when I used to watch the cartoons a lot ,there weren’t many such channels .I liked Fox Kids on Star Plus ,having one hour duration showing different cartoons on different days .Moreover , earlier most of the cartoons we had ,were meant to make us laugh but with time ,cartoons have evolved a lot ; nowadays , there are several cartoons like Ben Ten , which focus on serious issues like aliens , warfare ,etc,.
Though I used to like many cartoons but I will mention only my favourite cartoons here . Spider Man is one of the few cartoons whose shows I had hardly missed ; I used to watch it in Fox Kids , as I mentioned it before, in which shows of half an hour were presented and aslo, by that time no Spider Man movie had released. Next is Ghost Busters ; I used to see this cartoon on SONY ,even before the Spider Man and I wonder if this cartoon is still shown on some channel. Another one is Alladin ,which I am sure most of you have seen and still like it .Fantastic Four is another addition to this list; now we have a movie also on the same cartoon characters .Duck Tales is another very fine cartoon in which Scrooge ,main character of the cartoon ,is a miser person and he has three nephews who always keep vexing their uncle by mischievous deeds . Another one is Tale Spin , in which there is a bear Ballu (lead character) who has his own plane and carries cargo for different people .Nowadays , I mostly watch Shinchan ,in which a naughty five year old boy named shinchan talks like a mature person but behaves like an even smaller kid ; shinchan also has a dog named shiro .It’s a pretty nice cartoon : full of humour and cuteness .
That was the list of most of the cartoons I like ,but truly the more I try to remember ,the greater the list becomes ;so,
there is no limit .But , nowadays very few of these cartoons can be found on TV ; most of these are obsolete .


India is not much known for its football fans or for its football team ,but when it’s the time of FIFA World Cup even Indians can’t resist the festive mood which FIFA brings with it.This year FIFA World Cup has been organised in South Africa and during the time I am writing this , semi-finals would be in progress. Though, I am not a big fan of FIFA but still this year’s world cup has been unique and known for quiet a lot of things like new Jabulani football by Adidas which received mixed reactions by the players , Vuvuzelas creating nuisance for many teams and of course ,the controversial decisions given by referees in England and Mexico games ; who knows what is still to come .
Well ,my favourite team is Argentina and hope it will win.Another interesting fact about this year’s world cup is the early exit of the big guns like England (not to mention the blunder made by English Goalkeeper Robert Green), France and defending champion Italy ,even before the Knock out round which is really disappointing .Moreover,South Africa has become the first host country in the history of FIFA World Cup not making even into the second round(KO) of World Cup .Really , this year’s World Cup has been full of interesting facts and figures .